JavaScript Built-In Functions
Version Returns Signature Description Links
String Static Properties & Functions
ES1 String fromCharCode(n1, n2, ...) Converts a series of Unicode values into a string MDN |
String Instance Properties & Functions
ES1 Number length Returns the length of the string MDN |
ES1 String charAt(index) Returns a 1 character string representing the character at the specified index MDN |
ES1 Number charCodeAt(index) Returns the Unicode of the character at the specified index MDN |
ES3 String concat(string1string2, ...) Joins two or more strings, and returns a new joined string MDN |
ES6 Boolean endsWith(str) Checks whether a string ends with specified string/characters MDN |
ES6 Boolean includes(searchValue, [start]) Checks wheter a string contains the specified string/characters MDN |
ES1 Number indexOf(searchValue, [start]) Returns the position of the first occurrence of a specified value in a string, or -1 if no match. MDN |
ES1 Number lastIndexOf(searchValue, [start]) Returns the position of the last occurrence of a specified value in a string, or -1 if no match. MDN |
ES3 Number localeCompare(compareString) -1 if string comes before the compareString, 0 if they are equal, and 1 if it comes after MDN |
ES3 Array match(regexOrString) An array of matches, 1 item for each match, or null if no match is found MDN |
ES6 String repeat(count) A new string containing count copies of the original string MDN |
ES3 String replace(regexOrStringnewValue) A new string where the specified value(s) has been replaced by the new value (use /g to replace all, otherwise only the first occurrence is replaced) MDN |
ES3 Number search(regexOrString) The position of the first occurrence of the match, or -1 if no match found MDN |
ES3 String slice(start, [end]) Extracts part of a string from start position up to but not including the end position (or to the end of string if end is omitted), and returns a new string MDN |
ES3 String[] split([separator], [limit]) An array of strings. The separator can be a string or a regex. If separator is omitted, an array of 1 item containing the entire string is returned. If limit is specified, it will indicate the maximum number of items to return. MDN |
ES6 Boolean startsWith(searchValue, [start]) Returns true of the string starts with searchValue. If start is specified, it indicates the position in the string from which to start the search. MDN |
ES3 String substr(start, [length]) Returns a new string by extracting part of the original string, from the start position. If length is specified, it designates the number of desired characters. If omitted, the rest of the string is returned. MDN |
ES1 String substring(start, [end]) Almost identical to slice(), with some subtle differences. See here for more details. MDN |
ES3 String toLocaleLowerCase() Converts a string to lowercase, according to the host's locale MDN |
ES3 String toLocaleUpperCase() Converts a string to uppercase, according to the host's locale MDN |
ES1 String toLowerCase() Converts a string to lowercase MDN |
ES3 String toString() Returns the value of a String object MDN |
ES1 String toUpperCase() Converts a string to uppercase MDN |
ES5.1 String trim() Returns a new string by removing all whitespace from both ends MDN |
ES1 String valueOf() Returns the primitive value of a String object (generally this function is only used internally by the JavaScript engine) MDN |
Number Static Properties & Functions
ES1 Number MAX_VALUE Returns the largest number possible in JavaScript MDN |
ES1 Number MIN_VALUE Returns the smallest number possible in JavaScript MDN |
ES1 Number NEGATIVE_INFINITY Represents negative infinity MDN |
ES1 Number NaN Represents a "Not-a-Number" value MDN |
ES1 Number POSITIVE_INFINITY Represents infinity MDN |
ES6 Boolean isFinite(val) Checks whether a value is a finite number MDN |
ES6 Boolean isInteger(val) Checks whether a value is an integer MDN |
ES6 Boolean isNaN(val) Checks whether a value is a Number.NaN MDN |
ES6 Boolean isSafeInteger(val) Checks wheter a value is a safe integer MDN |
Number Instance Properties & Functions
ES3 String toExponential([fractionalDigits]) Converts a number into an exponential notation MDN |
ES3 String toFixed([digits]) Formats a number with x numbers of digits after the decimal point MDN |
ES3 String toPrecision([precision]) Formats a number to x length MDN |
ES1 String toString([radix]) Converts a number to a string MDN |
ES1 Number valueOf() Returns the primitive value of a number MDN |